Monday, February 14, 2011

eating more veggies

Devin has a hard time eating veggies (surprise)! So lately i've been pureeing my veggies and adding them into things. Like spinach, carrots, cauliflower, squash ect... and adding it into any and every recipe! pancakes, cottage cheese, eggs, shakes...

It's a great way to get kids AND Devin to eat veggies, because he doesn't even know it's in there. mwahahahaha

Another fun idea I saw:

Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with healthy snacks instead of empty calorie snacks. One great idea comes Lynsey. She only gives her kiddos healthy options and then lets them choose. She does this by filling each hole of a muffin tin with only healthy choices such as - carrots, string cheese, yogurt, grapes, turkey slices, broccoli, edamame, orange slices, sliced banana, etc.... Look how happy these two look!
*Is it creepy that I just put a picture of kids we don't even know on our
blog? Oh well, now you get the idea!

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